πŸ”₯ Here are some of my best projects to see!

πŸ”₯Here are some of my best projects to see!

A compilation of case studies and snapshots of my work, offering a comprehensive and

detailed insight into the processes involved. Enjoy.

A compilation of case studies and snapshots of my work, offering a comprehensive and detailed insight into the processes involved. Enjoy.

A compilation of case studies and snapshots of my work, offering a comprehensive and detailed insight into the processes involved. Enjoy.

A compilation of case studies and snapshots of my work, offering a comprehensive and detailed insight into the processes involved. Enjoy.

🀝 Let’s collaborate

If you have any questions or just a fancy chat, drop me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn. Can't wait to hear from you!

If you have an questions or just a fancy chat, drop me an email or connect with me on LinkedIn. Can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks a bunch for getting this far!

Build and designed happily with Indomie ayam bawang πŸ”

Thanks a bunch for getting this far!

Build and designed happily with Indomie

ayam bawang πŸ”

Thanks a bunch for getting this far!

Build and designed happily

with Indomie ayam bawang πŸ”

Bring Back Top

πŸš€ All of my best projects

to see!

A compilation of case studies and snapshots of my work, offering a comprehensive insight into the processes involved.

✍️ Here are my personal


I enjoy documenting my personal development progress. Please feel free to read about it below.

🀝 Let’s collaborate

If you are looking for all round product designer, so you found a right person. Just tell me your design needs.

🧠 Learn with Galih!

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πŸ† About my experience

Currently I work as UX Designer at Digital Product Agency

SALT Indonesia